"IPP came up with a neat proposal, in terms of price and transparency. They showed exactly what the service entails and what it would cost. And they subsequently delivered on that transparency and clarity."

Ipn Thirsk

Case: IPN

In 2016, Inspired Pet Nutrition, the UK’s biggest independent producer of dried pet food, recently opened a new £ 7 million distribution centre. As the hub of a fully-automated logistical process, the centre has the capacity to store around 11,500 pallets, with room for another 5,000 pallets.


Using a technique called ‘one shot loading’, full pallets are automatically loaded on a truck which delivers them to the new DC. There, the pallets are automatically unloaded, racked and sorted into individual units ready for order picking.

“The new contract with IPP provides continuity at a time of great change for IPN, as well as a working partnership to help drive further efficiencies, limit downtime and reduce packaging waste.” Richard page, Managing director

A humble, but crucial aspect of the process are the pallets themselves. They need to be robust, with guaranteed quality and delivery and competitive pricing, but also need to contribute to IPN’s goal of reducing waste and limiting its environmental footprint. IPP’s reuse-based pallet pooling system of pallets made from sustainably sourced timber meets all these demands. It’s not surprising, then, that IPN recently decided to renew its contract with IPP.

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